Monday, January 13, 2014

A New Life!

Well, this is it! I've gone and done it. I have finally decided to enter the blogging world! This is all very new and I'm not very good at all the technical stuff, so bare with me everyone while I figure out what it is that I am doing! Yikes!

I've been inspired! All credit goes to Stephanie Nielson and her incredibly beautiful story about how she is faced with countless challenges after she was nearly killed in a plane crash in 2008. This phenomenal woman was burned on 80% of her body and is working on facing what she calls, her new life.

Watch her story and how incredibly inspiring she is! Have a box of Kleenex handy. Trust will need it!

Stephanie Nielson My New Life

I told you!!! Incredible!

So, I need to tell you why she has touched me in such a way that has encouraged me to start my own blog. Well, for many reasons...

1) Just like Stephanie, I have...let's call impediment. Mine is not physical. You can't see it and many of you may not even know I have it, but let me tell you, it's there! Mine is mental. They call it a 'mental illness'. I have been diagnosed with something called Bipolar Disorder. Now don't go running from me the next time you see me. It's not contagious. You cannot catch it. I'm still the same smiley, friendly person that I have been for as long as you've known me, however long that may be. In fact, this may explain some things that you have been wondering about me. Why do I disappear through the winter months, never to be heard from or rarely seen? Why do I have all these productive plans that I never follow through with? Why do I make plans to get together and then just not show up? You got it...because I have bipolar disorder. I don't know what I will capable of from one day to the next! And trust me, it's no more fun for me than it is for the people that I let down daily. So that's it! Now you all know my impediment! (Well, at least the ones that are taking the time to read this!)

2) All Stephanie wanted for her life was to be a mother! And a darn good one at that! When she was faced with this life threatening trial, she knew that there were going to be many obstacles that she would have to overcome before she could even think about fulfilling her mom duties again. It's been no different for me. When I was first diagnosed with this illness, it took many different attempts at finding what worked for me in terms of medication, support, counselling, sleep, exercise, eating habits, and much more. And to be honest, I'm still not even close to figuring out what I need, but each day, I'm just a little bit closer and that is what counts. There are days that my thoughts tell me to just give up, but I look at the sweet faces of my children and I know that Heavenly Father has a great purpose for me, even if I don't believe in myself. And that brings me to my next point...

3) Stephanie's faith is of the greatest importance! Incase you don't know, she and I share the same faith. We both belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Just like Stephanie, I know and truly believe that Heavenly Father has a purpose for me, and although there are days that I struggle to see that purpose, I know it to be true with everything that I have. I have been blessed with an incredible husband and truly remarkable children and a life that is full of promise! I am surrounded by enough love and encouragement, just within the walls of my own home, to know that Heavenly Father loves me and is encouraging me to persevere through my trials. Through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ, when I fall, I have the opportunity to brush myself off and try again. I cannot fail! He will not let me! Without my faith in my Heavenly Father and my Saviour, I could not stand where I am today! They are my light and my life and I breath a little easier each day knowing that They are by my side!

I've always wanted to start a blog, but I guess that I have never had the courage. There's always a fear of what others will think when dealing with mental illness and most times, the subject causes such a negative response because people simply do not understand. Listening to Stephanie's story brought me so much hope. It inspired me to be an example of faith and to share my story for all to see that, even in times of despair, if we have faith in our Heavenly Father and rely on our Saviour, we can be healed of our wounds. We all have trials, big and small, and we can all receive the relief that we so long for. If sharing my story touches just one life, I will have succeeded in my efforts.

Stay tuned! I will have lots more to share! My children give me great happiness and I'm sure much of what they do will fill up my blogs soon enough! And don't worry...not all of my posts will be this long! Although, I do have a tendency to go on and on! I'll try to refrain from babble! I'm doing it now...on and on and on...


  1. Love your new blog, Jara! You are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Jara my friend... how very brave to share your story with the world, I am proud to call you friend.. and the only person I have every trusted my boys with (outside my family of course)... love you, please know that even on the days that are a struggle you have people you can lean on! xo Cindie

  3. Thanks for being brave, willing to share, and giving others strength and hope to do the same. Can't wait to read more.

  4. Thank you ladies! Your support means so much!
